Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Cancer Policy and Advocacy Team aka CPAT at Capitol Hill

 I am so excited to be attending the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorships Cancer Policy and Advocacy Team (CPAT) meetings on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. tomorrow!  It is a whirlwind trip, but the goal is to talk to our senators regarding the Comprehensive Cancer Survivorship Act. With this bill, people going through cancer will benefit in their own survivorship, treatment, and transition care.  Addressing these issues as a whole will improve and close the gap that many cancer patients face in treatment.

To learn more about this, I have inserted a link below.  Please take the time to read it if you or someone that you know has (or is) gone through cancer.


I can't wait to share pictures and all that I will be learning at CPAT on Hill Day. 

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